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Order of the Black Moon. Part two in the Fiona Frost mystery book series by Dr. Bon Blossman.

This is the second volume in the exciting Young Adult murder mystery series - Fiona Frost by Dr. Bon Blossman - the author of not only over 100 successful murder mystery parties, but a thrilling murder mystery novel series! 


Fiona receives a disturbing call about a ritualistic homicide in the abyss of a cave and sanctuary of a teenage vampire cult. Fiona takes on a whirlwind investigation where hardships emerge, making the case almost impossible. She is forced to confront yet another obstacle as she is hunted by a crazed escaped convict, bloodthirsty for revenge on her father. Conflict, betrayal, and forbidden love flourish as Fiona realizes that her forensic training program is more like reality than she ever imagined. 

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